Chef infra client 17 paves the way to policy as code

Chef Infra Client 17 paves the way to Policy AS Code

The Progress-based company boss software has submitted an update of its configuration management software: Chief Infra Client 17 is intended to combine infrastructure management and compliance to pave the way from the classic infrastructure as code (IAC) to Policy AS Code (PAC). For this purpose, the release integrates the boss Infra Client Compliance Phase, which replaces the previous audit CookBook.

Since the use of Progress in the fall of 2020, Chief Software is committed by a fundamental restructuring of its application portfolio, with the aim of consolidating and stronger integration of individual tools. With the release of boss Infra Client 17, a common framework for all infrastructure teams is now created in a company that combines IAC and compliance code in a pipeline, respectively a development process. Via Inspec Engine, compliance and audit reporting can be exported and enforced in the boss infra client. From the infrastructure and compliance policy (chief workstation) over its implementation (boss infra client) to monitoring with Chef Automate, such a through workflow is created in the sense of a PAC approach.

Chef Infra Client 17 paves the way to Policy AS Code

Throttle workflow from the Policy (Chief Workstation) on the implementation (boss infra client) to control (Chief Automate).

Improved Test Driven Development

In order to be able to maintain the correctness and security of the codes written by users and users, boss has further optimized the three important test tools of his platform – boss Cookstyle, Test Kitchen and Chef Inspec -. Cookstyle now provides around 40 new COPs that help among others to automatically improve the readability of the code, reduce errors, to take over new and improved patterns and to take consideration with necessary upgrades of the boss infra clients possibly occurring deprecations to take into account.

Test Kitchen For exports and validating the infrastructure code, use more platforms (Cloud and Hypervisor) and allows a more stable parallel processing of tests. In addition, TEST KITCHEN now uses the same language as Inspec, so that both tools can be combined for infrastructure and compliance tests in the same process.

A complete overview of the Release Notes to Chef Infra Client 17 and the blog post to the new version.

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